I use in the factories of my clients the value stream analysis as very good way to localize the maximum of potentials.to reduce the Throughput time. (Another way is the use of the quick response manufacturing method (QRM))
Objective: From all the Client's product group, products are brought together to form a family, which are produced with similar production processes on mainly the same resources. The aim of this phase is to reduce the complexity and the number of different value streams to a minimum.
The result is a product family matrix
Objectiv: The aim of phase 2 is to calculate the customer needs of the different product families (customer demand rate). The forecast of the annual sales volume for the different products are needed and is very helpful.
In order to be able to calculate the customer cycle for the individual product families (cycle time), the client needs to provide the factory days according to the factory calendar and the effective working time as information
If the client have to optimize the Dimensions for warehouse logistics, supermarkets and picking areas, i needs the fluctuations in customer demand from the last year for the corresponding products from the Client.
(KW = Calender Week, Jahr = Year). The Sales Volume (customer demand) = 545 pieces for the year 2013
In order to achieve an optimal dimensioning, i recommend taking account of fluctuations in customer demand. In the best case, these fluctuations in customer demand are not so large for the Client so that the average value is sufficient for dimensioning.
The result of this phase is the definition of the customer demand rate for the different product families, taking into account fluctuations in customer demand.
Objectiv: The objective is to calculate the degree of production flow (process cycle efficiency) per product family as a KPI for the analysis of the actual state of the value stream and to evaluate the impact of value stream optimization proposals
the most important tasks:
Initially i use a A3 spaghetti diagrams to record (visualize) the material flow and to localize "non value add" or "wasted" transport (or motion) activities for raw material, tools, ressources and semi- finished products
sometimes i use a Excel-Sheet (as standard work sheet) for recording of all work processes (manual, automatic, handling, etc.) including times (composition of the cycle time for each step) for the different product families. For a better transparency for my clients i categorize each step (Excel sheet row) as "value added", "non value added" or "wasted" activity. I use the Excel filter functionality to show my client, how much time he loses due to unnecessary activities (potential)
In order to implement this task, i record following information:
In order to implement this task, i use following information:
This information can best be found in the production order or BOM structure, in the SCM modules of an ERP or in the data for production monitoring system, APS or MES module. If the required data are not available in electronic form, they must be determined manually.
The recorded production processes, as well as material flows (incl. warehouse, buffer stocks, and suppliers) and the relevant business process information are linked and graphically displayed using a Value Stream Map . The result of this presentation is the comprehensible calculation of the current degree of flow (process cycle efficiency) in production (as Key Performance Indicator) as a measure to evaluate the impact of possible improvement measures.
The aim of phase 4 is the elaboration of measures for value stream optimization My approaches to achieve this goal (new value stream design) are among others:
Minimize waste through overproduction (orientation of production to the customer demand rate) and stock-keeping (reduction of the target availability time (stocking-up period)). Reduction of non-value-added activities in the production process (parts and tool search, waiting times, repacking of parts, etc.). Minimization of "non-value add" activities during processing (technological and ergonomic quality of the process steps in relation to the production resource). Minimization of waiting times due to missing material or information in the production process. Minimization of transport costs and logistics activities (stocking, retrieval and relocation, sorting and order picking, etc.). Potential approaches for improvement in order processing by reducing the additional costs of managing and collecting information.
The aim of phase 5 is the preparation in cooperation with my Client of a time schedule for the implementation of the agreed improvement measures from phase 4
The time required for the implementation of the coordinated improvement measures should be coordinated with the maintenance department or the corresponding responsible organizational unit.
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