
Analysis phase

We start this phase by establishing a key user team (promoters) in collaboration with the top management.

We hold a kick-off meeting with the selected key users.

The selected key users then receive training from us on the Lean standard methodology “SIPOC” (Supplier, Input, Process, Output, Customer) in accordance with VDI 5600.

We also work with the key users to examine the processes coordinated with the top management.

The aim

The aim is, within existing systems, to localise and quantify

  1. Absent or deficient mapping of company processes
  2. Breaks in the information flow within and between processes
  3. Redundant information retention within and between processes
  4. Absent or deficient evaluations, workflows, lack of escalation management to control and monitor processes
  5. Absent or deficient BI or AI functions to support employees when working in the corresponding processes.

In addition, the missing or defective machines or measuring system connections in the corresponding processes are assessed with the key users.

The result (performance specification):

  1. A prioritised list of possible digitalisation measures incl. ROI assessment
  2. The effect of individual measures on the existing organisation and on the work instructions
  3. An estimate of internal workloads to implement individual measures
  4. A general schedule for the implementation of individual measures
  5. An approval application for individual measures.

At the end of the coordinated analysis phase, we can submit a quotation for support (project management) in selecting and introducing possible system suppliers to implement the requirements described by the key users.

Auswahl möglicher Systemlieferanten-icon

Selection of possible system suppliers. How we can support you

The phase starts by determining the requirements of possible suppliers in collaboration with the corresponding key users (supplier screening).

Depending on the depth of equipment connectivity in the system, we inform the machine manufacturers for the equipment to be integrated in collaboration with the key users and Purchasing. The aim is to clarify the capacity situation and technical feasibility for the project.

The result is a matrix with possible digitalisation tool suppliers as a preparatory basis for a call for tenders including tendering documents.

In close collaboration with your Purchasing department, we write to the selected suppliers and invite them to take part in an initial introduction together with all or selected key users.

We create an agenda for the introductory meeting in collaboration with Purchasing and the key users. The result of this meeting is a coordinated procedure to create a template for decision-making for the top management.


System implementation. How we can support you

We assume the following project management tasks as standard during system implementation.

  1. Establishment of an organisational project organisation structure to ensure the delivery of results in collaboration with the system supplier, the top management and the key users
  2. Organisation of a kick-off meeting for the presentation of the project by the system provider in the company. The participants are coordinated with the key users and the top management.
  3. Supplementing of the key user circle in coordination with the top management to ensure the detailed specification (specification document).
  1. Organisation of the meetings in collaboration with the system supplier and the key users to elaborate the technical details of the requirements.
  2. Clarification within the project organisation of technical and organisational open points and change requests that can occur during system implementation
  3. Organisation and implementation of the steering committee meeting in collaboration with the system suppliers to coordinate the project status with the steering committee by means of a status report
  4. Organisation, coordination and monitoring of the integration work between the equipment suppliers, system suppliers and your electrical maintenance, your IT employees for the network infrastructure in Production
  5. Support for and ensuring of the integration of software in the existing IT landscape in collaboration with the system supplier, the key users and the IT department
  6. Support in specifying migration and/or adoption of available databases in collaboration with the system supplier, the key users and the IT department
  7. Support in specifying documents, instant reports, dashboards and data warehouse structures in collaboration with the system supplier, key users and the IT department
  8. Support in creating and/or implementing test scenarios to approve the software in accordance with the existing specifications for processes and data migration in collaboration with the key users and the system supplier
  9. Support in coordinating and providing training courses and in the initial operation of software in collaboration with the key users and the system supplier

Are you interested? You can request further details about this phase at Lean(at)